News list for " heurist"

Heurist Launches Framework for Serverless AI Agents

Decentralized AI Cloud as a Service Heurist launches the no-service AI Agents framework. The framework allows developers to deploy AI models in a few lines of code and provide GPU computing services on an on-demand, pay-as-you-go basis. Previously, Heurist completed 2 million US dollar financing, and Amber Group and others participated in the investment.

2024-12-21 12:22:17
Heurist 推出无服务 AI Agents 框架

去中心化 AI云服务 Heurist 推出无服务 AI Agents 框架。该框架允许开发者通过几行代码实现 AI 模型部署,并以按需使用、即付即用的方式提供 GPU 计算服务。 此前消息,Heurist完成200万美元融资,AmberGroup等参投。

2024-12-21 12:22:17
Decentralized AI Cloud as a Service Heurist completes $2 million financing, Amber Group and others participate in the investment

Decentralized AI Cloud as a Service Heurist announced the completion of a $2 million financing round. Amber Group, Contango Digital, Manifold Trading, Selini Capital, X Ventures, Sharding Capital, Blue7 Capital, Mozaik Capital, Zephyrus Capital, Origin Capital, Steroids Capital, DCF God and others participated in the investment. The new funds are intended to support it to solve the problem of centralized cloud limitations, expand serverless AI and build community-owned infrastructure.

2024-11-19 10:10:40
去中心化AI云服务Heurist完成200万美元融资,Amber Group等参投

去中心化AI云服务Heurist宣布完成200万美元融资,Amber Group、Contango Digital、Manifold Trading、Selini Capital、X Ventures、Sharding Capital、Blue7 Capital、Mozaik Capital、Zephyrus Capital、Origin Capital、Steroids Capital、DCF God等参投,新资金拟用于支持其解决中心化云限制问题,拓展无服务器AI并构建社区拥有的基础设施。

2024-11-19 10:10:40